Monthly Archives: May 2020

Teensy NEMA 17 Stepper Motor Rotary Scanner Program

Posted 26 May 2020,

This post describes a small Teensy program developed to drive a NEMA 17 stepper motor to perform angular scans that can be used in conjunction with another program to obtain angle-synchronized performance data.

In a post several years ago I mentioned that I had developed a small Teensy program to drive a NEMA 17 stepper motor to perform angular scans to test Wall-E2’s IR Homing detection performance.  Unfortunately, I didn’t do a very good job of documenting the setup, so when I wanted to use the same capability for my new VLX53L0X ‘Time-of-Flight’ sensor project, I was unable to easily put the pieces back together again.  So, I decided to create a post dedicated to the software/hardware setup and usage, so the next time I need this capability it won’t be so hard to access.

The original rotary scanner program worked OK, but there was no way to synchronize the rotary table with the measurement program.  So I decided this time around I was going to add some features to make it more usable:

  • It should allow the measurement program to trigger the start of the scan, and trigger each subsequent rotation to the next position, in a measure-move-measure… sequence.
  • It should provide notification when each scan position has been reached, and when the entire scan is complete
  • It should allow for repeated scans without restarting the program
  • It should be capable of reporting each position step number and calculated angle relative to the set zero position to the measurement program via I2C.

Here’s the wiring diagram:

Wiring diagram for Rotary Table program

And the software


And the hardware layout:

I couldn’t find any information about winding polarity for this particular NEMA 17 stepper, so it was sort of a crapshoot as to which way the motor was going to turn for a nominal CW or CCW input to the program.  As it turned out, I had to reverse one set of wires on the L298N to get the stepper to turn in the correct direction.

Companion Measurement System

For the companion measurement system, I used a Teensy 3.5 micro-controller, as I needed to connect to the VL53L0X ‘Time of Flight’ sensors and the Rotary Table program/micro-controller via I2C, and The Teensy 3.5 has provisions for up to three separate I2C busses (Wire, Wire1 & Wire2).  Although it would be possible to put everything on one I2C bus, I wanted to isolate the two ‘sides’ (the rotary table control side, and the sensor control side).  This dual-IC2 bus arrangement is also the way I plan to integrate the VL53L0X sensor arrays into Wall-E2, my autonomous wall-following robot, so this will give me a chance to work out the bugs on a smaller scale.

Here’s the wiring diagram:

Wiring diagram for the companion measurement system, with triple VL53L0X ToF sensors

And the software:

and the hardware setup:

Rotary table Teensy 3.2 in foreground with L298N motor controller. Teensy 3.5 measurement controller in middle, with plugboard , NEMA 17 stepper motor and triple VL53L0X array in background

Here’s a short video showing a typical measurement scan:

And here’s a typical output:

In the above output, the ‘Step#’ and ‘RelDeg’ values were obtained from the rotary scanner program via the primary I2C bus, while the ‘Front’, ‘Center’, and ‘Rear’ distance values were obtained from the three VL53L0X ToF sensors via the secondary I2C bus. The ‘Steer’ value was calculated locally by the measurement controller.

Upgrade to Micro-step capable motor driver:

After getting everything to work properly, I was a bit puzzled why I wasn’t getting the correct relative angle values back from the rotary table subsystem.  After a while I figured out that the reason was that the rotary table program calculates an integer number of steps based on the total angle change divided by the number of scan steps, and, in general, the result won’t be exact. When moving from one scan step to the next the motor moves an integer number of steps, which in general will not be the desired angle change.  For a 60 degree scan arc with 6 steps, the desired angle/scan step is 10 deg, and at 1.8 deg/step  this would result in 10/1.8 = 5.5555… motor steps/scan step.  This value gets truncated to 5 motor steps/scan step, which results in each scan step being 1.8 deg/step * 5 steps  = 9 deg/scan step.  So, instead of the scan steps occurring at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 deg, they are at 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, and 54 deg, and the last 6 deg of scan is never covered.

The answer to this problem is to use a motor with more than 200 steps/rev, or to use a driver that can generate micro-steps, effectively increasing the angular resolution of the scan.  After some Googling, and some rooting around in my parts box, I came up with the Pololu DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver part.  This driver supports up to 32 micro-steps/step and is considerably smaller than the L298N – such a deal!

Pololu Micro-stepping Driver

At 32 microsteps/step, a full motor rev would take 200*32 = 6400 microsteps or 0.05625 deg/microstep . Now the  above calculation would result in 10 deg/0.05625/10 = 177.777 –> 177 microsteps per scan step.  This would result in step angles of 0, 177*0.05625 = 9.95802, 19.916, 29.874, 39.83, 49.79, and 59.748.  So now we lose only the last 0.252 deg of scan – much nicer!

So, I put together a quick test, using an Arduino Uno, a spare NEMA 17 stepper motor, a Pololu DRV8825 from my parts box, and the Pololu Stepper library.  Here’s the program:

And the hardware test setup:

Pololu DRV8825 Microstep demo setup.

And a short video showing the stepper motor action.  Note that close attention to the end of the red pointer wire shows the difference between ‘full-step’ and ‘micro-stepped’ behavior; the micro-stepped rotations are much smoother.  Also, if you look very carefully, you can see the compass rose platform ‘counter-rotating’ in full-step mode, as the torque is high enough to rotate the stepper motor in the opposite direction to the shaft.

So now the idea is to incorporate micro-stepping capability into the Teensy NEMA 17 Rotary Table program, so that angle scans can be performed much more accurately than before.

02 June 2020 Update:

My original Pololu Microstep Demo program used an Arduino Uno to control the Pololu DRV8825 motor driver, but my Teensy Rotary Table setup obviously uses a Teensy and an L298N.  To change the Rotary Table setup to utilize the DRV8825, I’ll need to make some adjustments to pin configurations.

The first step in the process was to change out the Arduino Uno for a Teensy (a Teensy 3.5 in this case) to verify that there were no problem with the Pololu microstep demo program running on a Teensy – done.

The next step was to change out the L298N driver on the rotary table setup with the Pololu DRV8825 driver, and modify the rotary table program to use the new driver with microstepping.

Here’s the new combined hardware layout, with both the rotary table and measurement sub-systems shown

Both measurement and rotary table sub-systems shown. Rotary table Teensy 3.2 at left foreground, followed by Teensy 3.5 measurement controller, the connection plugboard, and the triple VL53L0X sensors in the left background. The new DRV8825 is mounted on the center plugboard, and the NEMA 17 stepper motor with compass rose test platter at the right

Here’s the updated software using the Pololu DRV8825

And the updated hardware schematic:

Here’s the output from a typical 180-degree scan

The triple VL53L0X scanner program:

The DRV8825 Rotary Table program:

For anyone interested in using this program, it is available on my GitHub site at


Off-perpendicular measurement problems with HC-SRO4 Ping Measurements

Posted 14 May 2020,

For the last couple of months I have been working lately on updating my four-wheel autonomous wall-following robot.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to really nail down an effective algorithm for capturing and then holding a specified offset distance from the nearest wall.  If the robot starts with its body oriented parallel to the wall, it can successfully capture and then hold the desired distance.  Unfortunately, it has turned out to more difficult than I thought to consistently obtain the required parallel orientation starting position.

So, came up with an idea that was sure to work; instead of making a sweeping turn looking for an inflection point in the distance  reported by the HC-SR04 ‘ping’ sensor, I would instead make a series of N-degree turns.  I wouldn’t know the absolute orientation of the robot with respect to the wall, but I would know the total angle subtended by the robot, and (I thought) it should be much easier to determine the inflection point from the resulting Angle/Distance table.

Unfortunately, when I tested this idea, it failed because the distances reported by the ping sensor didn’t vary significantly, even though I could plainly see that the actual distance between the robot’s ping sensor and where the sensor was pointing was changing significantly – what the heck?  The following short video clip and Excel plot show the situation.

If you were to believe the Excel plot, the inflection point denoting parallel orientation would actually be at about 63 degrees off the perpendicular – clearly not right.

To further investigate the issue, I ran some simple manual ping vs tape measure and LIDAR vs tape measure tests.  The following photo shows the setup, and the Excel plots show the results.

Setup for LIDAR vs tape vs angle measurements. The ‘Ping’ vs tape measurements were set up the same way

As the above plots show, the ping sensor measurements are basically useless for anything more than a few degrees off perpendicular; as the ‘ping diff’ plot in the upper chart shows, the inflection point could be anywhere.  In contrast, the manual tape measurements show a distinct curve, and the point-point differential changes sign at very close to 0 deg off perpendicular.

The lower plot shows the same measurements but using LIDAR rather than the ultrasonic ping sensors. As the plot shows, the LIDAR measurements would actually be reasonably accurate; the inflection point for both the LIDAR measurement (the ‘LIDAR diff’ line above) and the tape measurement (‘Tape Diff’ line above) is at approximately 0 degrees off perpendicular.  Unfortunately, the Pulsed Light ‘LIDAR-lite’ units are much more expensive than the ubiquitous HC-SRO4 ‘ping’ sensor.

After noodling around on the web for a while, I found some references to a GY-530/VL53L0X ‘Time of Flight’ (ToF) sensor that looks like it might do the job.  From the Adafruit description of this neat device:

  • 3 to 120 cm in ‘default’ mode
  • As far as 1.5 to 2 meters on a nice white reflective surface in ‘long range’ mode
  • 3-5V compatible
  • Control via I2C (default addr = 0x29, but can be configured during setup)
  • Less than 40mA current draw

The big question, of course, is whether or not this device will be any better at off-perpendicular measurements than the ‘ping’ sensors.  I have some on order so hopefully I’ll be able to answer this question shortly.

18 May 2020 Update:

I got my GL530/VLX53L0X sensor in yesterday and I’ve now had a chance to play with it a bit.  It’s super small and pretty responsive.  Here’s a photo of the setup with an Arduino UNO.

GL530/VL53L0X ToF sensor test setup. Note the sensor could fit on a U.S. dime with room to spare

I got it to play and produce basic distance data, but haven’t done much else with it yet.  However, while noodling around looking at data sheets, I ran across this demo video by an ST engineer, and it really started me thinking about different ways to use this device as one of an array of sensors; maybe this would make the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ function easier – or even unnecessary!

19 May Update:

I was able to make some reasonably precise measurements today with the GY530/VL53L0X Time-of-Flight sensor. Here’s the setup:

Testing setup for GY530/VL53LOX ToF Sensor. Note wood board test surface in background

And here’s a plot of the measured distance vs off-perpendicular angle, along with actual tape measure value for accuracy comparisons

While the measuring tape values and sensor distance values track very well over the -50 to +40 deg range, they aren’t the same.  The sensor measurements are consistently lower, by 10 mm or so.  That’s not a big deal, and there may be some calibration techniques available to zero out any constant error term.

I also noticed that the sensor value returned were occasionally dead wrong, reporting a value of 20 mm when the real value was more like 300-350.  Again, this might be addressable by averaging, but…

And lastly, as shown by the above plot, above about 40 degrees off-perpendicular, the sensor measurements become unreliable, probably due to low SNR return signal.

The good news is that the off-perpendicular plot does seem to behave fairly well in the -30 to +30 degree range, and has the expected quadratic bowl shape, so it should be usable for finding the parallel point, and maybe even for providing a steering value to a PID engine for offset hold operations once the proper offset has been captured.

To explore the ‘steering value’ idea, I simulated a 3-sensor setup by picking values out of the above plots 3 at a time.  For instance assuming the -40, -10, and +20 degree values were taken at the same time by 3 different sensors.  The following plot shows the results of the following calculation:

(Ml – Mr)/Mc

where, ‘l’, ‘r’ and ‘c’ subscripts refer to the left, right, and center sensors in a 3-sensor array angled at -30, 0 and +30 degrees respectively.  Here’s the plot

simulation of a 3-sensor array created by picking values from single-sensor sweep

This plot is quite exciting, as it shows a clear linear relationship between off-perpendicular orientation and steering values that could be used as the input to a PID engine.

Stay tuned,
