Offloading Distance Measurements from Wall-E2’s Main (Mega) MCU

Posted 08 August 2020,

Now that I have the two 3-element VL53L0X proximity sensors integrated into Wall-E2, my autonomous wall following robot, I have been running some ‘field’ tests in my ‘sandbox’ test area, as shown in the photo  below.

‘Sandbox’ field test area. Very simple layout with no obstacles (other than my feet)

As can be seen from the above video, Wall-E2 ‘ran into’ a problem at the end of the second leg.  The problem is caused by the extended time required for finding the parallel orientation and capturing the desired wall offset. During this time, Wall-E2 isn’t checking the front distance for upcoming obstacles, and isn’t checking for the ‘isStuck’ condition.  In the function that homes to the IR beam on a charging station have the following guard code:

that checks for a ‘stuck’ condition or an upcoming obstacle.  I could also put this same guard code in the functions that handle parallel orientation and offset acquisition/tracking, but it occurred to me that I might want to try off-loading this responsibility to the newly-added Teensy 3.5 I2C slave that manages the dual 3-element VL53L0X proximity sensors.  This Teensy spends 99.9% of its time just waiting for the next distance check interval to appear on the horizon, so it would probably welcome something else to do.  I could route the LIDAR-lite front LIDAR data to it as well, which would give it all the distance sensors to play with.  It could then do the forward/left/right distance array updates, and calculate the forward distance variance that is the heart of the ‘isStuck()’ function.  This is all great, but I’m not sure how all that gets integrated back into the main Mega MCU processing loop.

I currently have a ‘receiveEvent(int numBytes)’ implemented on the Teensy to receive a ‘request type’ value from the Mega.  This value determines what dataset (left, right, both, just centers, etc) gets sent back to the Mega at the next ‘requestEvent()’ event (triggered by a ‘Wire.requestFrom()’ call from the Mega).  So, I could simply add some more request types to ‘GetRequestedVL53l0xValues(VL53L0X_REQUEST which)’ or better yet, add a new function to the Mega to specifically request things like front distance or front distance variance (or simply have the Mega request that the Teensy report the current value of the ‘bisStuck’ boolean variable.

I could also set up a Mega input as an interrupt pin with a CHANGE condition, and have the Teensy interrupt the Mega whenever the ‘stuck’ condition changed (from ‘not stuck’ to ‘stuck, or vice versa).  The Mega’s ISR would simply set the ‘bisStuck’ boolean variable to the state of the interrupt input (HIGH or LOW).

Of course, this all presumes there is some real advantage to moving this functionality to the Teensy.  If the Mega isn’t processing-challenged, there is no reason to do all this.  As this post shows, the time cost for the incremental variance calculation on the Mega is only about 225 uSec, or less than 0.5% of the current 200 mSec loop time.

And, looking at the timestamps on the last actual ‘sandbox’ run, I see that the timestamps during the wall-tracking portion were pretty constant – between 197 and 202 mSec – not the kind of data one would expect from an MCU struggling to keep up.

10 August 2020 Update:

After realizing that the Mega really wasn’t having much problem keeping up with a 200 mSec loop cycle, I went ahead and added the ‘!bIsStuck’ guard to both the ‘RotateToParallelOrientation()’ and ‘CaptureWallOffset()’ functions, thinking this would solve the problem.  What actually happened is that as soon as Wall-E2 started running, it immediately sensed a ‘Stuck’ condition and started backing up – WTF!  Some head-scratching and some troubleshooting revealed that the while() loops in which I had put the new guard code were running much faster than the main loop (which runs at 200 mSec intervals via use of a ‘elapsedMillis’ variable).  What this meant was that it was calculating the forward distance variance hundreds of times per second rather than five, and the forward distance wasn’t changing nearly fast enough to prevent the variance from quickly winding down to zero – oops!  In order to fix this problem I had to install some more ‘elapseMillis’ variables to make sure that CalcDistArrayVariance() was called at the same rate as in the main loop, namely every MIN_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC mSec.  This works, but now I not only had more ‘Stuck’ guard code scattered throughout my code, but additional kludge-code needed to make the ‘Stuck’ kludge-code work – YUK!!

After thinking about this a bit more, I realized there was another option I hadn’t considered – a timer interrupt set at a convenient interval (like MIN_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC mSec as I am doing now) that does nothing but calculate front distance variance and set bIsStuck accordingly.  I haven’t used any timer interrupts up to this point in my Arduino journey, but this seems like a perfect application.

As I normally do, I grabbed a spare Arduino Mega from my parts box, Googled for some timer interrupt examples, and created a demo program to test my theory.  First I just did the normal ‘blink without delay’ demo, copying the ‘Timer1’ portion of the code from this post to a new project, and then modifying the ISR to call my ‘CalcDistArrayVariance()’ function with a constant number for the ‘frontdist’ parameter.  The CalcDistArrayVariance() function computes the variance of a 25-element array of distance values, and feeding a constant into the function simulates what would happen if the robot gets stuck at some point.

I set up the program to show how long it takes to calculate the variance each time, and how long it takes for the variance to fall to zero.  When I ran the program, I got this output:

As can be seen from the above, calls to CalcDistArrayVariance() occur at 200 mSec intervals and each call takes about 150 uSec (insignificant compared to the 200 mSec loop interval), and it takes about 5 seconds for a constant distance input to produce zero variance on the output.  This is pretty much perfect for my application.  Before implementing the timer idea, I had over 20 calls to IsStuck() scattered throughout my code, and now they can all be replaced by the boolean bIsStuck variable, which is managed by the timer1 ISR.

Here’s the entire timer interrupt demo code:




Stay tuned,





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