Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part V

Posted 15 January 2022,

In my last post on this subject I described my effort to get IR Homing functional on my new Wall-E3 robot. This post is intended to document the process of getting the ‘second deck’ from Wall-E2 ported over to Wall-E3. The second deck from Wall-E2 houses the forward-looking PulsedLight (acquired by Garmin in 2015) LIDAR system, the two side-looking VL53L0X arrays, and a rear-looking VL53L0X, as shown in the photo below

Wall-E2’s ‘second deck’ module

The second deck connects to the main system via the 16-pin Amp connector visible in the bottom left-hand corner of the photo above.

Looking at the code, the only pin assignments associated with ‘second deck’ functionality are:

  • const int RED_LASER_DIODE_PIN = 5;//Laser pointer
  • const int LIDAR_MODE_PIN = 2; //LIDAR MODE pin (continuous mode)
  • const int VL53L0X_TEENSY_RESET_PIN = 4; //pulled low for 1 mSec in Setup()

To start the process, I ported the following sections from From FourWD_WAllE2_V12.ino::setup() to T35_WallE3::setup():

  • The code to reset the VL53L0X Teensy on the second deck
  • The code to initialize the above output pins.
  • The entire #pragma region VL53L0X_TEENSY section
  • The entire #ifdef DISTANCES_ONLY section
  • pragma region L/R/FRONT DISTANCE ARRAYS

That should take care of all new declarations and initializations associated with the second deck. And wonder of wonders, the T35_WallE3_V5 project compiled without errors! – time to quit for the night! 🙂

16 January 2022:

Well, of course when I connected up the second deck – nothing worked, so back to basic troubleshooting. First, I connected a USB cable directly to the T3.5 running the VL53L0X array, and determined that I can, in fact, see valid distance values from all seven sensors – yay! Now to determine why I can’t see them from the main processor.

Next, I loaded a basic I2C scanner program onto the main processor to see if the main processor could see the VL53L0X process on Wire1. The I2C scanner reported it could find the MPU6050 IMU module and the Teensy 3.2 IR homing beacon detection processor, but nothing else. After a few more seconds (and yet another face palm!) I realized that the I2C scanner program wasn’t finding the VL53L0X processor because it was only checking the Wire bus, not Wire1 or Wire2 – oops!

So, I modified the basic scanner so it would optionally check Wire1 & Wire2 in addition to Wire1, as shown below:

And here’s the output with all three I2C busses enabled.

So now that I know that the main processor can ‘see’ the VL53L0X Teensy on Wire1, I have to figure out why it’s not working properly. As usual, this turned out to be pretty simple once I knew what I was looking for. The entire solution was to change this line:

To this line:

Wall-E2 used a Mega 2560 processor with only one I2C bus, so everything had to be on that one bus. However, when I changed to the Teensy 3.5, I had more busses available, so I chose to move the VL53L0X array manager to Wire1, but forgot to change the initialization code to use Wire1 vs Wire – oops!

18 January 2022 Update:

Or,….. Maybe not. When I tried to compile the above changes I started running into ‘#include file hell’. I couldn’t figure out whether to use #include <i2c_t3.h> or #include <Wire.h> and every time I changed the include in one file, it seemed to conflict with an earlier change in another – argggghhhhh!

So, I took my troubles to the Teensy forum and asked what the difference was between the ‘i2c_t3.h’ and ‘Wire’ libraries, particularly with respect to multiple I2C bus support. The answer I got from ‘defragster’ (a very experienced Teensy forum contributor) was:

Wire.h is the base i2c supplied and supported by PJRC. It covers all WIRE#’s on various Teensy models: See {local install}\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\Wire\WireKinetis.h

i2c_t3.h is an alternative library that can be used to instead of WIRE.h when it works or offers some added feature or alternate method.

I took his post to say “use Wire.h” unless you have some specific reason why the i2c_t3.h library offers a needed feature that Wire.h doesn’t offer.

So, now I have to go back through all the code that I have dicked with over the years to make work (like ‘I2C_Anything’, for instance) with multiple I2C buses, and see what needs to be done to, as much as possible, use ‘Wire.h’ in lieu of ‘i2c_t3.h’

The main file for this project has the following #include’s that may require work:

MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h: Right away I run into problems; the first thing this file does is #include “I2Cdev.h”, which has the following code:

Which I modified sometime in the distant past to use #include <i2c_t3.h> instead of #include <Wire.h>. At the time I think I was convinced that I had to use i2c_t3.h to get access to multiple I2C buses, but now I know that isn’t necessary. Fortunately this is a ‘local’ file, so changing this back shouldn’t (fingers crossed!) break other programs.

Aside: I did a search on MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h and I2Cdev.h in the Arduino folder, and got 48 different hits for MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h and 108 hits for ‘I2Cdev.h – ouch!! Not going to worry about this now, but I’m sure I’ll be dealing with this problem forever – if not longer 🙁

Aside2: The ‘I2Cdev.h’ file gets specialized to different hardware in I2CDevLib. For ‘Arduino’ hardware it is this file:

Where it can be seen that sometime in the distant past, I modified the original library file to select ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3X_WIRE’, which has the effect of #include <i2c_t3.h> instead of #include <Wire.h> – oops! So, any project that uses the library version of this file will always #include <i2c_t3.h> instead of #include <Wire.h> – double, triple, and quadruple oops! In addition, I discovered that the version of i2cdev.h I am using for this project is at least 6 years out of date – wonderful (at least it looks like the MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h is reasonably current (in fact, it is essentially identical to the library version).

To start with, I made sure T35_WallE3_V5 compiles for T3.5 ‘as is’, and then modified the includes to use the library version of MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h. This actually worked (yay!), although I discovered I had to use the “file.h” format rather than <file.h> – don’t know why.

23 January 2022 Update:

As usual, there were a few detours on the way to full ‘second-deck’ functionality. To start with, I discovered/realized that I was using the wrong I2C library (i2c_t3.h) for working with multiple I2C busses. The i2c_t3.h library does a lot of nice things, including multiple I2C bus support, but unfortunately isn’t compatible with a lot of the hardware driver libraries I use, most of which assume you are using the ‘Wire.h’ library. I had ‘sort-of’ solved this problem with many of my Teensy projects by hacking the needed hardware driver libraries to use i2c_t3.h instead of Wire.h, but this got old pretty quickly, and even older when I started trying to use multiple I2C bus enabled hardware driver libraries (like Kurt E’s wonderful multiple bus MPU6050 driver).

So, I wound up spending way too many hours tracking down the differences and similarities between i2c_t3.h and the Teensy version of Wire.h See this post for all the gory details. Along the way I learned how to simplify access to deeply buried library files using the Windows 10 flavor of symlinks, which was kinda cool, but I could probably have spent the time more wisely elsewhere. Also, I ran headlong into yet another multiple bus problem with one of my favorite libraries – Nick Gammon’s wonderful ‘I2C_Anything’ library that does just two things – it reads/rights ‘anything’ – ints, floats, unsigned long ints, doubles, whatever – across an I2C connection – no more worrying about how to do that, or being forced to transmit ASCII across the bus and construct/deconstruct as necessary on both ends. Unfortunately, this library is unabashedly single-bus – it expects to be used in a Wire.h environment and that is that. The good news is, by the time I was done the question of ‘why use i2c_t3.h as opposed to Wire.h?’, I was able to intelligently (I hope) modify I2C_Anything.h to accommodate multiple I2C busses (though it still assuming a ‘Wire.h’ environment). At the end, I made a pull request to the I2C_Anything github repo, so maybe others can use this as well.

After all this was done, I still hadn’t even started on getting the second-deck VL53L0X sensors talking to the main Teensy 3.5 processor, but at least now I (kinda) knew what I was doing.

Anyhoo, once I got back to trying to get connected to the VL53L0X array, I was able to reasonably quickly revise both the main Teensy 3.5 processor program and the VL53L0X array management program to use Wire.h vs i2c_t3.h, and to instantiate/initialize the multiple busses required for both processors (the main processor talks to the VL53L0X array manager via Wire1 on its end to Wire0 on the array end, and the array manager talks to the seven VL53L0X modules via its Wire1 & Wire2 busses). And with my newly modified I2C_Anything library, I was ready to get them talking to each other.

Here’s the working Array manager code (pardon the extra comment lines):

And here’s the working main processor code. Note that the code as it is presented here has the ‘DISTANCES_ONLY’ define enabled, and all non-existent hardware modules ‘#defined’ out so I could concentrate on just the VL53L0X array connection.

And here is the ‘multiple I2C bus’ version of I2C_Anything.h, just in case you come across this post before Nick updates the Github repo (assuming he likes what I have done):

Here’s the the test setup:

Main Teensy 3.5 processor on plugboard, connected via I2C to the Teensy 3.5 VL53L0X array manager

One thought on “Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part V

  1. Pingback: Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VI | Paynter's Palace

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