Wide Body Robot Charging Station Homing PID Tuning

Posted 30 October 2023

Almost exactly two years ago I redid the robot form factor for better turning performance, as described in this post. Now, two years later when integrating the new ‘wide body’ robot with the charging station, I belatedly discovered that the PID values optimized for the old ‘narrow body’ robot don’t do so well anymore. Here’s a short video and telemetry showing the wide body robot homing with the old narrow body PID values.

I strongly suspect that the new form factor will require a significantly different set of PID values. Here

04 November 2023 Update:

Well, I went down a bit of a rabbit-hole on this one, but I think I have successfully found my way back to the real world. It’s been a while since I’ve had to do any PID tuning, so my skills (and code) have atrophied significantly. Fortunately, my former self left me some rudimentary clues, so I didn’t have to recreate everything from scratch.

In previous tuning sessions, I had constructed a test harness that accepted PID values on the command line of the OTA serial connection to the robot, allowing rapid parameter optimization. Unfortunately, I didn’t document this in my previous posts (what was I thinking!), so it took me a while to find some previous programs that contained the desired test harness code. After porting the test harness code to my current WallE3_Quicksort_V4 program and modifying it a bit for more testing convenience, I am documenting it here so a future me will have a better chance of avoiding unnecessary work.

PID Tuning Test Harness:

The idea behind the PID tuning test harness is to allow the user to input PID (and other) parameters on the command line and have the robot execute the desired action – in this case homing to the charging station – without having to go through the entire program structure. The test harness code is placed at the end of the setup() routine and doesn’t exit but returns to the point where a new set of parameters can be provided. This allows for rapid iteration over the PID parameter space. Here is the code as it appears in WallE3_Quicksort_V4.ino

Note that the ‘CheckForUserInput()’ function calls in the above assume a boolean return value; this change was necessary to allow the test harness to be run multiple times without having to reboot the robot code. This also required adding a new function key (*) to the list of keys handled by CheckForUserInput(). Here are the new versions of the two flavors of CheckForUserInput():

Now that I’ve gotten the test harness set up, I can actually start re-tuning the charge station homing PID values for the new wide-body robot – yay! Here’s a short video and telemetry from the first run with PID(50,0,0).

Here’s another run, this time with PID = (100,0,0)

Here’s the PID = (100,0,0) run again, but starting with an initial orientation offset:

And here is an Excel plot showing the steering value vs time:

This is a pretty nice result, and I’m tempted to leave it just like this.

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