Wall-E2 Motor Controller Study Part II

Posted 07 December 2019 (Pearl Harbor Day)

Back in May of this year I posted about different motor driver possibilities for my 2-motor and 4-motor robots, and showed some results for two drivers (an Adafruit Featherwing and an Adafruit DRV8871).  However, I got kind of sidetracked after this post when I discovered the RFI/EMI problem with the MPU6050 IMU.  At the time, I blamed the RFI/EMI problem on the non-linear nature of the newer drivers, and went back to using the L298N linear driver.

After quite a bit of experimentation and work, it finally turned out that most (if not all) the RFI/EMI problem was the Pololu 20D metal-geared motors themselves, and properly suppressing the noise at the motor terminals with bypass capacitors solved the problem.  So I have decided to repeat some of my initial motor driver testing.

Adafruit DRV8871 Single Channel Motor Driver Testing:

I removed the L298N driver I have been using up until now on my 2-motor robot, and replaced it with two DRV8871 Single Channel Motor Drivers. The hookup with the DRV8871’s is actually significantly simpler than the L298N, requiring only two control lines per channel instead of three.  After the normal number of errors, I got it running and started some long-term tests with the motors running continuously (with varying speeds and directions) while polling the MPU6050 every 200 mSec for yaw data.

This test ran for over 5 hours without problems, and then the GY-521 (generic MPU6050) module stopped responding to requests for data.  This is the second MPU6050 module that  has behaved this way – running for an indefinite amount of time and then refusing to respond.

The good news is, the DRV8871 motor drivers worked flawlessly the entire time, and are efficient enough so the T0-3 size chip container was just barely warm to the touch.

I have run  several long-term tests now with the DRV8871 drivers and two different MPU6050 modules, and the longest error-free run has been about 5 hours as shown above.  However, I have also had the test terminate in less than 5 minutes, so this is clearly not reliable enough for prime time. Also, adding my 2-stage power supply filter back into the system did not seem to effectively suppress errors, so no I have no clue what is going on.

11 December 2019 Update:

I ran the system overnight with the same test program, except I commented out the motor run commands so the motors themselves did not run. The test ran for over 11 hours and was still running fine when I terminated it.  So, the motors definitely have to be running for the problem to occur.

15 December 2019 Update:

Hoping to maybe eliminate a variable, I changed from the UNO controller to a Teensy 3.2. As usual, this ‘small change’ took a LOT more time than I thought it would.

There aren’t any good example programs for interfacing a Teensy 3.x with the MPU6050, especially using the I2CDEV/MPU6050/DMP libraries. I had a huge problem trying to track down compile issues with the I2CDev libraries, but in the end it came down to figuring out a way to get I2CDev to use i2c_t3.h instead of Wire.h. I solved this by copying I2CDev.h/cpp from my Libraries folder to my local project/solution folder, and editing the code to define the I2C implementation as I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE and then replacing “#include <Wire.h>” with “#include <i2c_t3.h> in the appropriate section as shown below. I’m sure there are more elegant ways of doing this (maybe adding a ‘I2CDEV_TEENSY_3.X’ section at the top?)

After making the above change, the project started compiling OK, and I was able to connect to the MPU6050 and pull off yaw values using the DMP.

The next problem occurred when I tried to run a test program with the Adafruit DRV8871 drivers.  The two control lines alternate between being used as digital outputs (for direction control) and analog/PWM outputs (for speed control). Unfortunately, once a Teensy 3.2 line has been written to with ‘analogWrite()’, it can no longer be used as a digital output without first running ‘pinMode([pin],OUTPUT)’ on it. This particular little ‘gotcha’ appears to have been there since around 2016, but got lost in the shuffle as it is still there in the latest TeensyDuino libraries.

After fixing that problem, I was successful in both getting yaw values from the MPU6050 using Jeff’s I2CDev libraries, and in driving my Pololu D20 metal-geared motors via the Adafruit DRV8871 motor driver modules.

After getting everything working, I took the time to fork Jeff Rowberg’s I2CDev library, edit I2CDev.h/cpp appropriately and create a pull request for Jeff.  The changes were merged into the Github master distro pretty quickly, so in theory at least, all a new Teensy 3.2 user has to do is grab Jeff’s I2CDevLib stuff and go.

Here’s my Teensy 3.2 program for testing the MPU6050/DMP and the Adafruit DRV8871 motor drivers:

3 thoughts on “Wall-E2 Motor Controller Study Part II

  1. Pingback: IMU Motor Noise Troubleshooting, Part III | Paynter's Palace

  2. Pingback: Replacing Wall-E2’s L298N Motor Drivers with Adafruit DRV8871 | Paynter's Palace

  3. Pingback: Teensy, MPU6050 and Rowberg’s I2CDev Library, Take Two | Paynter's Palace

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