Monthly Archives: May 2021

Turn Rate PID Tuning, Part III

In my previous post on this subject, I described my efforts to control the turn rate (in deg/sec) of my two-wheel robot, in preparation for doing the same thing on Wall-E2, four wheel drive autonomous wall following robot.

As noted previously, I have a TIMER5 Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) set up on my four wheel robot to provide updates to the various sensor values every 100 mSec, but was unable to figure out a robust way of synchronizing the PID library’s Compute() timing with the ISR timing. So, I decided to bag the PID library entirely, at least for turn rate control, and insert the PID algorithm directly into the turn rate control, and removing the extraneous stuff that caused divide-by-zero errors when the setSampleTime() function was modified to accept a zero value.

To facilitate more rapid test cycles, I created a new program that contained just enough code to initialize and read the MP6050 IMU module, and a routine called ‘SpinTurnForever() that accepts PID parameters and causes the robot to ‘spin’ turn forever (or at least until I stop it with a keyboard command. Here’s the entire program.

This program includes a function called ‘CheckForUserInput()’ that, curiously enough, monitors the serial port for user input, and uses a ‘switch’ statement to execute different commands. One of these commands (‘q’ or ‘Q’) causes ‘SpinTurnForever()’ to execute, which in turn accepts a 4-paremeter input that specifies the three PID parameters plus the desired turn rage, in deg/sec. This routine then starts and manages a CCW turn ‘forever’, in the ‘while()’ block shown below:

This routine mimics the PID library computations without suffering from library’s synchronization problems, and also allows me to fully instrument the contribution of each PID term to the output. This program also allows me to vary the computational interval independently of the rest of the program, bounded only by the ability of the MPU6050 to produce reliable readings.

After a number of trials, I started getting some reasonable results on my benchtop (hard surface with a thin electrostatic mat), as shown below:

Average turn rate = 89.6 deg/sec

As can be seen in the above plot, the turn rate is controlled pretty well around the 90 deg/sec turn rate, with an average turn rate of 89.6 deg/sec.

The plot below shows the same parameter set, but run on carpet rather than my bench.

Average turn rate = 88.2 deg/sec

Comparing these two plots it is obvious that a lot more motor current is required to make the robot turn on carpet, due to the much higher sideways friction on the wheels.

The next step was to see if the PID parameters for 90 deg/sec would also handle different turn rates. Here are the plots for 45 deg/sec on my benchtop and on carpet:

Average turn rate = 44.7 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 43.8 deg/sec

And then 30 deg/sec on benchtop and carpet

Average turn rate = 29.8 deg/sec
Average turn rate 28.8 deg/sec

It is clear from the above plots that the PID values (5,0.8,0.1) do fairly well for the four wheel robot, both on hard surfaces and carpet.

Having this kind of control over turn rate is pretty nice. I might even be able to do turns by setting the turn rate appropriately and just timing the turn, or even vary the turn rate during the turn. For a long turn (say 180 deg) I could do the first 90-120 at 90 deg/sec, and then do the last 90-60 at 30 deg/sec; might make for a much more precise turn.

All of the above tests were done with a 20 mSec time interval, which is 5x smaller than the current 100mSec time interval used for the master timer in Wall-E2. So, my next set of tests will keep the turn rate constant and slowly increase the time interval to see if I can get back to 100 mSec without any major sacrifice in performance.

28 May 2021 Update:

I went back through the tests using a 100 mSec interval instead of 20 mSec, and was gratified to see that there was very little degradation in performance. The turn performance was a bit more ‘jerky’ than with a 20 mSec interval, but still quite acceptable, and very well controlled, both on the benchtop and carpet surfaces – Yay! Here are some plots to show the performance.

Average turn rate = 29.7 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 28.4 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 44.4 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 43.0 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 89.7 deg/sec
Average turn rate = 86.6 deg/sec

31 May 2021 Update:

I made some additional runs on benchtop and carpet, thinking I might be able to reduce the turn-rate oscillations a bit. I found that by reducing the time interval back to 20 mSec and increase the ‘D’ (differential) parameter. After some tweaking back and forth, I wound up with a PID set of (5, 0.8, 3). Using these parameters, I got the following performance plots.

Average turn rate = 87.3 deg/sec
PID = (5,0.8,3), 20mSec interval, 90 deg/sec

As can be seen in the Excel plot and the movie, the turn performance is much smoother – yay!

Stay tuned!


New Batteries for Wall-E2

I have been using a set of four Panasonic 18650 LiPo batteries in a 2-cell stack configuration in Wall-E2, my autonomous wall following robot. for a little over three years now, and they are starting to show their age. So, I decided to replace these

with these

Panasonic 18650G-A 3500 mAH 3.7V LiPo battery

Three years younger, and with another 100 mAH (rated, at least).

Here’s a photo record of the process of changing out the batteries

Old batteries still installed (can tell by the green showing through the ‘V5’ cutout)
Old batteries before replacement
New batteries installed in holder

Stay tuned,


Turn Rate PID Tuning, Part II

Posted 14 May 2021,

In my previous post on this topic, I described my efforts to use the Arduino PID library to manage turns with Wall-E2, my autonomous wall following robot. This post talks about a problem I encountered with the PID library when used in a system that uses an external timing source, like the TIMER5 ISR in my system and a PID input that depends on accurate timing, such as my turn-rate input.

In my autonomous wall-following robot project, I use TIMER5 on the Arduino Mega 2560 to generate an interrupt ever 100 mSec, and update all time-sensitive parameters in the ISR. These include results from all seven VL53L0X ToF distance sensors, the front-mounted LIDAR, and heading information from a MP6050 IMU. This simplifies the software immensely, as now the latest information is available throughout the code, and encapsulates all sensor-related calls to a single routine.

In my initial efforts at turn-rate tuning using the Arduino PID library, I computed the turn rate in the ISR by simply using

This actually worked because, the ISR frequency and the PID::Compute() frequency were more or less the same. However, since the two time intervals are independent of each other there could be a phase shift, which might drift slowly over time. Also, if either timer interval is changed sometime down the road, the system behavior could change dramatically. I thought I had figured out how to handle this issue by moving the turn-rate computation inside the PID::Compute() function block, as shown below

In a typical PID use case, you see code like the following:

After making the above change, I started getting really weird behavior, and all my efforts at PID tuning failed miserably. After a LOT of troubleshooting and head-scratching, I finally figured out what was happening. In the above code configuration, the PID generates a new output value BEFORE the new turn rate is computed, so the PID is always operating on information that is at least 100mSec old – not a good way to run a railroad!

Some of the PID documentation I researched said (or at least implied) that by setting the PID’s sample time to zero using PID::SetSampleTime(0), that Compute() would actually produce a new output value every time it was called. This meant that I could do something like the following:

Great idea, but it didn’t work! After some more troubleshooting and head-scratching, I finally realized that the PID::SetSampleTime() function specifically disallows a value of zero, as it would cause the ‘D’ term to go to infinity – oops! Here’s the relevant code

As can be seen from the above, an argument of zero is simply ignored, and the sample time remains unchanged. When I pointed this out to the developer, he said this was by design, as the ‘ratio’ calculation above would be undefined for an input argument of zero. This is certainly a valid point, but makes it impossible to synch the PID to an external master clock – bummer!

After some more thought, I modified my copy of PID.cpp as follows:

By moving the SampleTime = (unsigned long)NewSampleTime; line out of the ‘if’ block, I can now set the sample time to zero without causing problems with the value of ‘ratio’. Now PID::Compute() will generate a new output value every time it is called, which synchs the PID engine with the program’s master timing source – yay!

I tried out a slightly modified version of this technique on my small 2-wheel robot. The two-wheeler uses an Arduino Uno instead of a Mega, so I didn’t use a TIMER interrupt. Instead I used the ‘elapsedMillisecond’ library and set up an elapsed time of 100 mSec, and also modified the program to turn indefinitely at the desired turn rate in deg/sec.

I experimented with two different methods for controlling the turn rate – a ‘PWM’ method where the wheel motors are pulsed at full speed for a variable pulse width, and a ‘direct’ method where the wheel motor speeds are varied directly to achieve the desired turn rate. I thought the PWM method might work better on a heavier robot for smaller angle turns as there is quite a bit of inertia to overcome, but the ‘direct’ method might be more accurate.

Here’s the code for the ‘direct’ method, where the wheel speeds are varied with

Here’s the code for the PWM method: the only difference is that is the duration of the pulse that is varied, not the wheel speed.

Here’s a short video showing the two-wheel robot doing a spin turn using the PWM technique with a desired turn rate of 90 deg/sec, using PID = (1,0.5,0).

The average turn rate for the entire run was about 85 deg/sec.

Here’s another run, this time on carpet:

Average turn rate for the entire run was about 85 deg/sec

Here’s some data from the ‘direct’ method, on hard flooring

Average turn rate was ~ 85 deg/sec

And on carpet

Average turn rate ~83 deg/sec

So, it appears that either the PWM or ‘direct’ methods are effective in controlling the turn rate, and I don’t really see any huge difference between them. I guess the PWM method might be a little more effective with the 4-wheel robot caused by the wheels having to slide sideways while turning.

Stay Tuned!
