Monthly Archives: February 2022

Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VIII

Posted 19 February 2022,

At this point in the evolution of Wall-E3, all the hardware seems to be working, so it’s time to get serious about wall tracking. Last fall I made another run at wall tracking with Wall-E2, and wound up with an algorithm that would first capture the desired wall offset, and then track it ‘forever’. This worked great, but the approach is at odds with the general processing architecture. The current tracking architecture is set up as a loop, where all pertinent parameters are updated every loop period, and the appropriate action is taken. In the case of wall tracking, the ‘action’ was one left/right motor speed update. This allows rapid recognition of, and adaptation to, various ‘error’ conditions, like being stuck or about to run into something. The algorithm developed last fall does none of this, so it can’t react properly (or at all, for that matter) to things like an upcoming wall.

I’m starting to think I can use a hybrid approach – use the current capture/tracking algorithm pretty much as it stands from last fall, but have it check for ‘error’ conditions each time through its own internal loop. If any unusual conditions are detected, then force an exit from the tracking routine and another pass through the main ‘traffic director’ function ‘GetOpMode()’. The updated mode assignment will then percolate back down through loop() and cause the appropriate handling function to be called.

22 February 2022 Update:

As a start, I ported the ‘TrackLeft/RightWallOffset() functions to Wall-E3 and, after the normal number of screwups and mistakes, I got the left side tracking algorithm working, as shown in the Excel plot and short movie clip below:

Here’s the complete code for ‘TrackLeftWallOffset()’:

The above algorithm works great, but it runs in an infinite loop once it has captured the wall offset. Based on my above comments about a hybrid approach, I could add tests for stuck and/or front or back obstacles to this loop (instead of the current ‘while(true)’). This would cause TrackLeftWallOffset() to exit, and the GetOpMode() function could assign the appropriate mode, which would then cause the proper function to execute.

Or, I could eliminate GetOpMode() entirely and put it’s logic in ‘loop()’? Actually, looking at the loop() function in FourWD_WallE2_V12.ino, my last iteration with the Arduino Mega2560, I see that GetOpMode() is called at the start of loop(), and then the OpMode switch statement comes pretty much immediately afterwards. Here’s the code:

The MODE_CHARGING and MODE_HOMING cases are self-contained, so no changes would be needed for them. The MODE_WALLFOLLOW case is sub-divided into TRACKING_LEFT and TRACKING_RIGHT cases. If all the inline code in TRACKING_LEFT was replaced with TrackLeftWallOffset() and that of TRACKING_RIGHT with TrackRightWallOffset(), with these two functions augmented by the current if (bIsStuck) , if(bObstacleAhead) and if(bObstacleBehind) guard code (pretty much as it now stands), then that should work. I think I’ll give that whirl and see what happens.

To start the process, I created yet another project – WallE3_WallTrack_V3 (to preserve the currently ‘working OK on left side’ status of WallE3_WallTrack_V2) and try porting the GetOpMode() and loop() code from FourWD_WallE2_V12.

02 March 2022 Update:

I now have a ‘loop() only’ version of WallE3 running that properly tracks the left side. Everything is basically the same as before, except the loop() function, shown below:

The ‘IR HOMING’ and ‘CHARGING’ blocks are essentially unchanged, and the ‘WALL TRACKING’ block is much simpler. All ‘anomaly’ (robot stuck either forward or backward, robot approaching an obstacle ahead or behind, dead battery, etc are all handled internally to the two ‘TrackLeft/RightWallOffset()’ functions. Here’s the (potentially infinite) ‘while()’ loop:

As the code above shows, the while loop will continue to execute as long as the ‘errcode’ value is ‘NO_ANOMALIES’. Internally the ‘CheckForErrorCondx()’ function surveys the inputs from all sensors and attempts to detect any anomalous behavior. Any return value except NO_ANOMALIES causes the while() loop to exit. Each potential anomaly condition has its own handling function, which exits back to ‘loop()’ and the process starts all over again. I believe this is a much cleaner approach than I had before with the ‘GetOpMode()’ function.

I also took the opportunity at this point to fix a long-standing problem with the code. The front-facing LIDAR unit returns distances in Cm, while all seven VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensors report in mm. Not only did this torture me mentally (let’s see – is it Cm or mm here?), but it caused the new ‘CalcRearVariance()’ function to crater, because the 10x larger numbers, when squared, caused the ‘uint16_t’ type to overrun and produce crazy variance numbers. So, I changed the GetRequestedVL53L0XValues() function to convert mm to Cm, changed all the variable names from xxxxMM to xxxxCm and carefully combed through the entire codebase, correcting the inevitable wash of ’10x’ errors. In the end though, I made the codebase much more consistent and understandable (I hope).

Stay Tuned,


Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VII

Posted 02 February 2022,

After struggling through all the I2C craziness with the Wire library vs i2c_t3, and internal pullups vs no internal pullups, I think I’m back in business with a running Wall-E3 system

Wall-E3 with second deck installed and (mostly) tested

So far, I have been able to verify that the main processor can talk to the second deck VL53L0X array, the IR Homing subsystem, and that the red laser still works. Now I need to go through the rest of the robot’s subsystems:

  • Irun & Itot current sensors << CHECK
  • HC-05 Bluetooth link
  • Front LIDAR distance sensing << CHECK
  • Speaker << CHECK
  • Charging subsystem << CHECK
  • MPU6050 IMU response << CHECK
  • Charge/Turn Status LEDs << CHECK

I also still need to do something about porting the ‘tail-light’ assembly from Wall-E2 to Wall-E3. On Wall-E2, this assembly was part LED holder and part terminal strip mount – but the terminal strip portion is no longer needed. What to do? What I did was simply mount just the top half of the assembly at the rear center of the robot, and connect up the pins to the T3.5. Neat, clean, sweet!

Tail Light assembly and power strip cover on old WALL-E2
Top part of LED assembly mounted rear center on WALL-E3

13 February 2022 Update:

When I looked at the HC-05 Bluetooth module again I decided to see if I can replace it with a Pololu Wixel module, due to the problems I have been having with the 1-3 second delay associated with the HC-05 Bluetooth link. On several occasions I was trying to stop my robot remotely, only to have the delay that seems to be inherent in the BT link allow my robot to crash into (or dive over) something that it shouldn’t have. I have been using Wixels for years with my robot project, and find them quite reliable, and getting a single command through the link and into the robot seems to be instantaneous.

I started by simply switching the Teensy 3.5’s Rx0 & Tx0 jumpers from the HC-05 to a Wixel module, without doing anything else. I already had a companion Wixel connected to my PC via USB, so getting telemetry out of (and commands into) the robot was pretty painless.

Pololu Wixel wired into Teensy 3.5 Rx0 & Tx0 pins

The next step in the process was to figure out how to actually replace the HC-05 module with a Wixel. I figured I could just hack the current perfboard module that houses the 5V regulator and the HC-05, but I decided maybe I could make thinks a bit nicer by combining the Wixel module (mounted vertically like the HC-05), the Adafruit 1NA169 high-side current sensor, and the voltage regulator all into one PCB. IBased on my previous experience with the VL53L0X array PCB, I thought I could do this fairly easily (OK, so I was smoking dope – what can I say).

I did manage to work out a method for plugging the Wixel perfboard into the regulator board, without having to change its original wiring at all. I did have to add an ‘outboard’ 2-pin female header for Wixel Tx & Rx lines, as the two header pins I used for the HC-05 configuration were obstructed by the Wixel/perfboard module.

Wixel/perfboard module plugged into HC-05 socket

Anyway I did manage to get a PCB designed and sent off to JCLPCB without too much agony, and I gained some more skill working with DipTrace as well. I hadn’t done any real pattern and/or component editing before, and this project forced me to learn how to do that – neat!

Here’s the schematic for the combined circuits:

Schematic combining Adafruit 1NA169 current sensor, Wixel and 5V regulator

I decided to use the 1NA169 ‘as is’, and simply use a 5-pin header to connect the module to the PCB. This required that I construct a custom component for the module, along with a custom ‘attached pattern’, as shown:

Custom module and ‘attached pattern’ for Adafruit 1NA169

Then I used DipTrace’s very nice and intuitive PCB layout software modules to produce a reasonable layout, as shown:

PCB layout for the combined module

Then I literally copied the playbook from my VL53L0X Array PCB project and ordered 5 PCBs from JLCPCB. Within an hour of finalizing the above layout in DipTrace, I had uploaded the Gerber files to JLCPCB and ordered 5 boards (the default order number). Total cost for 5 boards, including shipping? – – – –

Put that in your pipe and smoke it! (oops – the PC SWAT squad will be after me now!)

09 March 2022 Update:

When I received the finished PCBs, I discovered that my little perfpoard Wixel module didn’t fit onto the PCB – I hadn’t taken into account the ‘overhang’ of the Wixel on the component side of the module, and the fact that the actual Wixel module sports a 5-pin header instead of a 4-pin one. So, back to the drawing board (literally) where I produced another PCB design and sent it off to JLCPCB (at $10/shot for 5 PCB’s, I can afford a lot of mistakes!). Here’s the new design schematic and PCB

Wixel and 5V Regulator Module. Note added ‘Power ON’ LED
Revised PCB design

11 March 2022:

So I got my new PCBs in, and had a chance today to check it against the schematic (yep – works), populate one PCB, and check it electrically (yep – works). Here’s the finished module:

populated and checked PCB. Note ‘Wixel’ installed on far side of perfboard.

The next step is to install the new module to replace the stand-along INA169 module and the 5V Regulator/Wixel module. Here’s a comparison shot:

New PCB on the left, stand-alone 1NA169 module and 5V Reg/Wixel on the right

I printed up a nice PLA mount for the new PCB (I forgot to design mounting holes into the PCB, so I had to add those manually), and installed it onto the robot, as shown below:

Much cleaner layout after combining current sensor, Wixel module, and 5V reg onto one PCB

02 April 2022 Update:

After using the Rev2 regulator/Wixel board for a while, I decided I needed to turn the vertical Wixel board around, so I could see the status LEDs when the board is mounted on the robot. So, in just a few minutes with DipTrace, I was able to spin the mounting configuration for the Wixel 180 degrees, as shown the comparison photos below:

Revised PCB design
Flipped the vertical Wixel, and added mounting holes
Latest PCB design mounted on Wall-E3

Stay Tuned,


Wall-E3 Replacing Mega 2560 With Teensy 3.5 Part VI

Posted 30 January 2022

This ‘Replacing Mega 2560 with Teensy 3.5’ series of posts deals with upgrading my autonomous wall-following robot with a new form factor for easier turning, and a Teensy 3.5 for the main processor instead of the older/slower Arduino Mega 2560. In my previous post on this subject I described my failed effort to interface the new Teensy 3.5 main processor with the existing second deck hardware, specifically the Teensy 3.5 processor that manages the seven-element array of VL53L0X ‘time-of-flight’ distance sensors. The failure was due to the lack of pullup resistors on the I2C SCL/SDA lines between the main processor and the Teensy 3.5 VL53L0X array manager. I2C pullups were not required when I was using the i2c_t3 library, but apparently are when using the Teensy variant of the Wire library

I have spent the week between that last post and this one trying to determine why the Wire library requires external pullups and the i2c_t3 library doesn’t, and how I can work around that requirement so that I don’t have to find a way of installing the external pullups. Although it wouldn’t be a disaster to use external pullups it would be a major PITA, because there is no convenient place to put them; the connection from the main T3.5 processor to the VL53L0X T3.5 processor is made with direct male-male pin jumpers. To install external jumpers I’d have to figure out an intermediate landing spot on either the main deck or the second deck, and add an auxiliary board with +3.3V (although +5V would probably be OK as T3.5 GPIO pins are all 5V tolerant), ground, and the 4 connections for the two sets of I2C lines, all to add two measly resistors to the circuit. And to add insult to injury, I would have to do all this while knowing for a fact that the resistors aren’t actually necessary – grrr!

Being a stubborn type, I spent the week trying to figure out how to enable the internal (~33KΩ) pullups on the I2C lines without screwing up the normal I2C activity on the pins, and I think I finally succeeded just this morning (see this post for all the gory details).

So now that I have eliminated the need for external pullup resistors (HAH!!) I can continue my effort to port the second deck functionality to Wall-E3. The following photo shows where I left off with the I2C pullup resistor investigation:

simulated main processor T3.5 on plugboard, with I2C connection to VL53L0X processor – and NO PULLUPS!

As can be seen in the above photo, I could successfully communicate between the two T3.5’s using I2C without external pullups with simple I2C demo example programs running on both processors.

Now the challenge is to install the main processing code on the plugboard T3.5 and the VL53L0X management code on the second deck T3.5 and verify that the main program can ‘see’ distance measurements from the seven VL53L0X modules tied to the second deck T3.5.

The first thing I did was to load up the unmodified sketches for both the VL53L0X array manager T3.5 and the main processor T3.5. When I started them up, the main processor sketch hung up at the VL53L0X array processor connection check:

Then I added in the physical 2.2KΩ pullups on the plugboard, and the system immediately came to life, displaying VL53L0X distances on the main processor telemetry screen – yay! This told me two things immediately; the first was, all I had to do way back when I first transitioned from the i2c_t3 library to the Wire library (but NO, I was too damned stubborn! . The second was, it is pretty much a dead certainty that adding the internal pullup activation code to both the main processor and VL53L0X array processor sketches will allow comms without pullups.

So, I modified both the sketches to do just that. The VL53L0X processor only requires internal pullup activation on Wire0 – the I2C buss connected to the main processor, as the VL53L0X breakout boards contain 10KΩ pullups (I did it for all three I2C busses anyway). Here’s the modified section:

Note in the above that the Wire2 code uses PORT_PCR_MUX(5) rather than PORT_PCR_MUX(2), as the I2C function is found on ALT5 for pins 3 & 4. Kurt E’s wonderful spreadsheet is a great reference for this sort of thing – any serious Teensy user should have this document in their reference library.

After making these changes, the I2C comms between the main processor and the VL53L0X array processor worked perfectly – job done!

The Wire1 I2C bus goes to the T3.5 VL53L0X array processor as discussed above. I enabled internal pullups on this bus as follows:

And then I added code to the Wire I2C bus going to the T3.2 IR Homing processor as follows:

To verify proper operation with the actual Wall-E3 robot Teensy 3.5 main processor, I loaded the main operating system on the main processor, and connected the second deck hardware via the multi-pin second deck connector. I already had the second deck firmware installed on the Teensy 3.5 VL53L0X array manager, and as soon as the power came up after loading the main processor firmware, I was seeing valid distances from all seven VL53L0X modules via the main processor’s ‘distances only’ debugging configuration. This validates I2C communications between two Teensy modules without the need for external pullup resistors by using the CORE_PIN37_CONFIG = PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS | PORT_PCR_MUX(2) – style commands to set each relevant I2C pin to enable the internal pullup feature

Hopefully this all spells the end of the I2C library compatibility goat-rope, and now I can get back to actual robot work! 😉

Stay tuned,
